Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Avengers Super Bowl Trailer

I was surprised by the overall lack of new trailers during 'The Big Game'. Studios usually use the massive audience watching the biggest (American) football game to showcase their upcoming blockbuster films. However, with the ever increasing costs of advertising for the game, many studios decided not to put together trailers this year.

Marvel used the big game to show us a new trailer for The Avengers. The new trailer shows a little more of the actiony bits than the initial trailer that was released a few months ago. However, it doesn't shed any light on the actual story. We can see that The Avengers assemble, stuff blows up, and superheroes spout one-liners. I'm still not sure what Hawkeye and Black Widow are doing there, but I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Movie opens May 4, 2012. I'm excited, but I would like to know what it's all about.

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