Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Amazing Spiderman Trailer

The idea of a reboot of the Spiderman franchise really annoyed me when I first heard about it. I thought the three movies starring Tobey McGuire were good enough, and it seemed like they could keep going with that cast and continue to tell interesting stories. After all, there are a lot of great villains and dramatic moments in Spidey's history to choose from. Then I realized that those films first came out in 2002.

In the eyes of today's teeny boppers, which is the prime audience for the Spiderman franchise, anyone over 30 is considered old. Tobey McGuire would have a hard time pulling off the fresh-faced high school kid that Peter Parker is supposed to be. From the age perspective, it sorta makes sense to bring in a new cast. There's still a lot of room for them to screw this up though with the previous trilogy so fresh in everyone's minds. It's a big risk, but I understand it.

The first trailer has gone live, and it shows us some interesting story beats. It doesn't look like they've copied and pasted the origin story from the previous set of films, which is a good thing. Maybe they have actually tried a fresh, new approach to the story. We'll know for sure this summer, as The Amazing Spiderman has staked claim to July 4th weekend.

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