Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2012 Academy Awards Preview and Predictions: Pt 2

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced their nominations for the 2012 Oscars a few weeks ago, and the Oscars will be handed out a little over a month from now. Here is the list of nominees in the major awards categories as well as who I want to win and who I think will win for each one.

Writing: Adapted Screenplay

The Descendents
The Ides of March
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Who I want to win: Moneyball

They made a baseball movie that focused on statistics and still maintained its cool. And, it had very little actual baseball in it. That’s an award winning accomplishment.

Who I think will win: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

It’s an adaptation of a complicated spy novel that captured the tone of the middle part of the Cold War. It’s technically well done, even if I found it technically dull.

Writing: Original Screenplay

The Artist
Margin Call
Midnight in Paris
A Separation

Who I want to win: The Artist

You might be saying, “But there’s no talking in that movie!” There’s still a nice story being told, and it’s one of the most original movies to come out in a long while. We need more bold films like this.

Who I think will win: Midnight in Paris

Woody Allen should clear space on his mantle right now. This award is his. When people are calling Midnight in Paris ‘the best Woody Allen movie since Annie Hall’, that means it’s pretty good.

Animated Feature Film

A Cat in Paris
Chico & Rita
Kung Fu Panda 2
Puss in Boots

Who I want to win: The Adventures of Tintin, wait…

The best animated film of the year wasn’t nominated. How The Adventures of Tintin failed to receive a nomination is beyond me. Given that oversight, I would go with Puss in Boots, mostly because Puss looks like my cat, and that alone makes me laugh.

Who I think will win: Rango

Why not? The first two films in the category I’ve never heard about, and Puss in Boots has a story that is a bit too flawed. Rango is a safe pick for the Academy. Plus, they get to hand Johnny Depp and award. I was disappointed that there’s no Pixar film on this list this year until I remembered this year’s Pixar movie was Cars 2.


The Artist
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Tree of Life
War Horse

Who I want to win: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

There are some great, even iconic, shots in War Horse, but the quality isn’t top-notch throughout the film. The Artist and Hugo do some good things too, and each of those films deserves the nomination. But, every frame of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo crackles with energy. Every single frame pops off the screen. Give that one the gold.

Who I think will win: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

It looks too good. It shouldn’t be ignored.

Visual Effects

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
Real Steel
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Who I want to win: Rise of the Planet of the Apes

The visual effects gurus at WETA did an amazing job with Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Watch that movie again and consider that none of the apes were real. Each one was a motion-capture character that was digitally enhanced. Amazing.

Who I think will win: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

The Battle for Hogwarts might win this category. It’s impressive how seamlessly they’ve integrated the effects in this film. It looks very, very good. This might also be a way to cap off a series that has pushed special effects technology for the past decade. Don’t discount Hugo either. The automaton, old Paris, and cinematic history scenes are impressive and could earn some votes.

And seriously, how did Real Steel make it here? The robots were sort of cool, but c’mon.

Film Editing

The Artist
The Descendents
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Who I want to win: Moneyball

This is a baseball movie about a general manager of a team who used statistics rebuild the lineup. I can’t imagine how this worked, but it did. Much of the film’s success comes from the way it was edited. It maintains a quick pace and never lingers too long on the boring stuff.

Who I think will win: Hugo

Another category that is tough to call. The only one I would rule out is The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. That film has too many rough edges. They clearly shot a whole lot of film and had to trim much of it to get a 170-minute cut. I’m going with Hugo for the Scorsese factor.

Art Direction

The Artist
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
Midnight in Paris
War Horse

Who I want to win: War Horse

Just because it’s set in World War One. There are some big scenes in that film, and every frame is packed with period perfect detail.

Who I think will win: The Artist

The film captures the look and feel of 1920s Los Angeles perfectly. It’s a great looking film, which I think the Academy will like.

Costume Design

The Artist
Jane Eyre

Who I want to win: The Artist

While watching this film, I kept thinking that we needed more 1920s and 30s stylistic influence in the here and now. The guys wore dapper clothes, and all the women were beautiful. Screw the retro 1980s style that is trying to break out again in modern society. Let’s go real old school and wear well-cut suits and fedoras and have all the women in cute bobbed haircuts, summer dresses and fur. That reaction alone says that The Artist needs this award.

Who I think will win: Hugo

This category is a tough call. Any one of these can take the crown; they all look great.


Albert Nobbs
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
The Iron Lady

Who I want to win: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

I want this film to win something.

Who I think will win: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow Part 2

I think it will win something.

Music: Original Score

The Adventure of Tintin
The Artist
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
War Horse

Who I want to win: The Adventures of Tintin

It’s the only one of these nominations whose score I can sort of remember.

Who I think will win: No idea

It’s hard to predict a winner when I have no recollection of anything in the category.

Music: Original Song

‘Man or Muppet’ from The Muppets
‘Real in Rio’ from Rio

Only two songs received enough Academy votes to be nominated in this category this year. I know Madonna recorded an original song for her directorial effort W.E., but it didn’t get nominated. How bad must that song be?

Who I want to win: ‘Man or Muppet’ from The Muppets

An Oscar for The Muppets? Yes, please! Plus, we might get a Muppets acceptance speech.

Who I think will win: ‘Man or Muppet’ from The Muppets

Because the Academy knows there would be a riot if this went the other way.

Sound Editing

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Transformers: Dark of the Moon

War Horse

Who I want to win: Transformers: Dark of the Moon

I watched this movie again a few nights ago and was blown away by the sound. Often, there is so much chaos going on onscreen that you need every bit of feedback you can get to keep up. The sound editing in the movie goes a long way to helping the viewer keep up with the action.

Who I think will win: Transformers: Dark of the Moon

The other films are good, but the more subdued sound editing in Drive, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and Hugo doesn’t measure up to the over the top craziness that is Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Sound Mixing

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
War Horse

Who I want to win: Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Again, the sound in this film goes a long way to making it enjoyable.

Who I think will win: War Horse

Seldom do these two categories produce the same winner. I really liked how rich and detailed the sound was in War Horse.

I will refrain from picking the foreign film, documentary, and short film categories since I know nothing about them. That, and you’re probably bored to tears by now and are ready to find something else to look at on the internet. Might I humbly recommend browsing the blog a little bit longer.

There you have them, my thoughts on the 2012 Academy Awards nominees. What do you think about my picks? What are yours? Let me know in the comments below.

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