Sunday, June 10, 2012

Texts Between Dr. Shaw and an Engineer

So, I saw Prometheus in the IMAX theater on opening night and caught it again in IMAX as a matinee on Sunday. It's a gorgeous film, every frame jumps off the screen, and the IMAX format is spectacular. I'm sure it looks good in any format, but I urge you to try to see it on the biggest screen possible.

And you should definitely see it. It's a technical marvel and should win all kinds of awards for set design and special effects. It's an absolute visual treat. It looks like a proper sci-fi film should, and you won't be disappointed by what you see. It also has some jaw-dropping horror elements that will surely make your skin crawl (in a good way, naturally).

Unfortunately, the story doesn't quite live up to the visual spectacle. The story has a bad case of attention deficit disorder. Ridley Scott and company have tried to pack in too many complex themes into this film. The end result is a film that asks a lot of questions, provides few answers, doesn't flow that well, and often contradicts itself.

There is a series of photographs going around the intertnet depicting a text message conversation between Dr. Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and one of the Engineers, the beings who seeded life on our planet. The exchange points out some of the major inconsistencies with the story, but I found it pretty humorous.

Spoilers obviously follow, so only check out the texts if you've seen the film.

As I said, it's pretty funny. And, it hits the nail on the head for more than one of the major plot holes of the film. Still, I enjoyed the Prometheus experience; I just didn't love it as I had hoped.

If you are a fan of science fiction films or the Alien franchise, you owe it to yourself to see this film. I liked it enough to give it a 4 out of 5 despite the weak story. There's plenty of cool stuff in the film to make it worth the trip to the cineplex.

Let me know what you thought of Prometheus in the comments below or on Twitter!

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