Thursday, June 14, 2012

Prometheus: The Art of the Film

Count me as one of the people who loved Prometheus. While the story seems more concerned about raising questions than answering them, the visuals are dead on in creating a new world, exotic spaceships, and frightening beasts. It's one of the most beautiful films I've seen in years. It's on par with the Lord of the Rings level of visuals, which were revolutionary when those films were coming out. I've seen the film twice now and am contemplating catching it a third time before it's out of IMAX theaters.

Most of the arguments about the film revolve around the story structure, plot holes, gaps in logic, and questionable character motivation. All of those things are creating quite the debate on internet forums and blogs. Personally, I think the debates are a good thing as most films released in this day and age have their opening weekend and are forgotten. The creativity of Sir Ridley Scott and company has given us a spectacular film worthy of debate. I find the discussions about Prometheus to be fascinating. It's a lot of fun to have a film that is this deliberately open-ended in the public consciousness.

The visuals of Prometheus are astounding. Nobody questions that. Even the most hardened anti-Prometheus critic will acknowledge that the visuals are top-notch. To celebrate the spectacular design of the film, Titan Publishing has published a book of production art and behind the scenes photos and includes a forward written by Scott himself. It's called Prometheus: The Art of the Film, and it looks pretty awesome. It's packed with 186 pages of details, including pre-production artwork, on-set photos, and write-ups of scenes, locations, and creatures. It even has a lot of material that didn't make it into the final cut of the film.

Here are scans from a few pages as shown on the Prometheus Forum, a site dedicated to all things Prometheus. There are some incredible shots in here. I'm not one who usually buys these sort of behind-the-scenes books, but I may make an exception for this one.

Will this cool book be sitting on your coffee table soon? Want to make a friendly blogger really happy by gifting him one of these? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter!

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