Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man IMAX poster

For the past several IMAX films, IMAX has been offering some really cool posters for midnight releases as a way to say "thank you" to audience members. Original artwork was commissioned for recent releases John Carter, The Avengers, and Prometheus. So far, the posters have looked great.

With the release of The Amazing Spider-Man coming up in a few weeks, IMAX has announced a fresh poster for that film.

Yeah. Not so great. It's dark and very blue and weirdly lit, and it just looks sloppy. Like most of the marketing for The Amazing Spider-Man, this poster just seems to miss the mark. I've seen fan-made posters that were better than this (like this one and these). Even the most ardent Spidey fan might pass on this poster. Let's hope that the actual film surpasses the mediocrity of this promo poster.

If you're really into The Amazing Spider-Man and want this poster for your own, then you can get yours when the film opens at 12:01 on July 3rd.

For reference, here are the past few IMAX posters that actually looked great. All three of these are either on my office door or hanging on my wall.

Are you going to waste your time run out and see The Amazing Spider-Man on opening night? Does this poster get your juices flowing? Let me know in the comments below and follow me on Twitter!

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