Thursday, January 10, 2013

Texas Chainsaw 3D sequel sadly coming

I will admit that I paid for a ticket to see Texas Chainsaw 3D over the weekend, so I feel partly responsible for this next bit of news.

Apparently, a lot of other people suffered through the abysmal TC3D over the weekend too. It opened at #1 during its first weekend, bringing in a tidy $21 million for Lionsgate. Not bad for a film with an estimated budget of only $20 million. Every bit of box office success from here on out is just gravy.

But seriously, don’t go see it. Boring kills and a huge tonal shift halfway through make TC3D a pain to watch (my review).

Despite my warnings, and the negative reviews of other press members, a lot of people will continue to go see TC3D.  The simple fact is that it’s the only horror film in theaters right now, and it’s a brand people recognize. The result of this success for a terrible horror film is a green light for another terrible horror film. Lionsgate has officially hit the go button on the sequel. 

It’s unclear if the Texas Chainsaw 3D 2 will pick up right after the end of TC3D, but producer Carl Mazzocone, and eight executive producers from TC3D are on board for the sequel. With that group all coming back together, and likely star Alexandra Daddario as well (admittedly the best part of TC3D), it seems likely that they are looking to make a true sequel. In fact, that group has the rights to make 6 more Texas Chainsaw films if they so desire.

They will start filming in a few months with an eye toward and early 2014 release date.

Personally, I’ll be avoiding the sequel unless they show me they are serious about making Leatherface a scary guy again. He’s a simple-minded man-child with a compulsion to protect his family with extreme measures of violence. That should be scary. Adding ‘Massacre’ back to the title would help. Or, they could name it Texas Chainsaw 4D. I’d pay to see that.

Did you drop a dime to see TC3D this weekend and regret it? Do you want to see a sequel to that boring tripe? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter!

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