Monday, January 21, 2013

Mad Max 4 vehicles look suitably post-apocalyptic

Mad Max: Fury Road has had a long, troubled journey. 

The fourth entry in George Miller's 33-year-old post-apocalyptic survival franchise was scheduled to begin production in Namibia in 2003, but security fears shut down production. Miller struggled to reassemble a cast and crew after the 2003 attempt, and things went quiet for a while. In 2011 things heated up again with production gearing up in Australia. Unfortunately, heavy rains turned the desired desert wasteland setting into a lush, green garden park, which is not the harsh landscape you need for a Mad Max film. Production moved back to Namibia. Now, shooting is going again, and little tidbits are floating out.

One of the coolest parts of Mad Max films is the wild vehicle designs. The cars are pieced together from scraps to form hybrid monstrosities. Plus, they come armed to the teeth for vehicular mayhem. So, yeah, they're pretty cool.

Here is a parade of a few of the vehicles rolling through the desert.

Some of those designs look wicked. It's exactly what you want to see. After many years of struggle, it's nice to see that Mad Max: Fury Road actually exists and looks as it should. It appears that Miller hasn't skimped on the vehicle aspect of Mad Max at least. Rumor is there are about 140 vehicles prepared for the film, so expect lots of chaos.

Mad Max: Fury Road stars Tom Hardy as Max and Charlize Theron as Impress Furiosa. No word on if Mel Gibson, the original Mad Max, will be making an appearance. We'll have to wait until 2014 for Mad Max: Fury Road to hit theaters, so expect more neat information to come. Let's cross our fingers that nothing affects production between now and then.

Are you excited for another Mad Max film? Are you okay with Hardy in the lead role, or would you rather see Gibson? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter!

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