Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Human Centipede 3 is Coming!


The third film in one of the most disgusting and disturbing movie series ever made will begin shooting in early May and June in the U.S. Tom Six, director of the tasteless The Human Centipede: First Sequence and its vile sequel The Human Centipede: Full Sequence, has made a casting announcement that will surely delight the mentally deranged fans of the series.

The franchise was always envisioned by writer/director Tom Six as a trilogy, and the three cast members announced today for The Human Centipede: Final Sequence indicate that the finale will bring things around full circle. Dieter Laser (Dr. Heiter from THC), Laurence R. Harvey (Martin from THC2), and Tom Six himself are the first three cast members announced. Based on this, it's obvious that there will be some meta stuff going on to unite all three of these guys in the final film. Six promises that this one will be the most disturbing film yet, and I couldn't be more excited.

Is it wrong that my first reaction to this news was: How do I get an audition?

Shooting is scheduled for the spring with an eye on a 2013 release date. I get the feeling that the longest part of this filmmaking process will be for Six to produce a version of the film that will pass the ratings board.

Also, did you know that Tom Six is an artist and has a gallery of his paintings online? I knew he did the conjoined twins painting that Dr. Heiter had on his wall in the first film, but it turns out that was just the tip of the iceberg.

I will not link to the gallery because almost all of his paintings are repulsive. I kindof like the style, but, like his films, the subject matter is beyond gross. One gets the impression that Six enjoys pushing the boundaries of taste well beyond tolerable limits. Still, if you want to see some of his artwork, just Google "Tom Six gallery". Don't say you weren't warned. But, if anyone wants to buy me the Martin painting shown above, I will gladly hang that bad boy on my wall.

Are you excited about another The Human Centipede film? Are you going to order a painting from Tom Six titled "Shotgun Suicide"? Let me know in the comments below! And while you're at it, follow me on Twitter!

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