Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Expendables 2 will be rated R after all

The Expendables was a gleeful uniting of several of the biggest action stars of yesterday blowing up all kinds of stuff in 2010. Written and directed by “The Italian Stallion” himself, The Expendables featured Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Randy Couture, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Dolph Freaking Lundgren, Terry Crews, Mickey Rourke, and brief cameos by Bruce Willis and “The Governator” Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was also notable for it’s extreme violence.

Stallone is back writing the sequel, appropriately titled The Expendables 2. This time he brings a few more antiquated action stars into the fold, most notably Jean-Claude van Damme and Chuck Norris. Good additions, those two.

A little controversy kicked up a few months ago when Stallone stated that the sequel would aim for a more audience friendly PG-13 rating. This lit the internet on fire, since it makes little sense for such an awesome crew of ass-kickers to be assembled in one film only to neuter the production by limiting their violence against bad guys and each other. We want explosions, bloodshed, and crude one-liners!

Fear not internet! Stallone has come to his senses and declared that the final cut of the film will indeed be rated R. Graphic violence will happen! Rejoice!

Blood and guts will follow!

We’ll find out August 12, 2012 just how violent the action will be. Hopefully, extreme violence will ensue.

Excited for some bloodshed? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter!

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