Saturday, May 26, 2012

Skyfall Teaser Trailer

One of the hottest films of the fall will be the new James Bond film titled Skyfall. Marketing is starting to ramp up on the film with a new poster and a teaser trailer. Check 'em out.

Looks to be a fairly standard Bond poster with the famous British spy walking down the barrel of a gun. Nice poster, but it isn't spectacular.

The teaser trailer however:

That looks amazing! We don't know exactly what the film is about, but we can certainly say that it looks slick and has great action. A good teaser is all about getting us excited, and this does a great job. It starts out with an interrogation of Bond, and as soon as the word Skyfall is mentioned, all hell breaks loose showing us little bits of action scenes. I also love the line "Some men are coming to kill us. We are going to kill them first." Classic Bond and totally badass.

The film hits on November 9, 2012.

Tell me how amped you are for this movie in the comments below or on Twitter!

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