Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pixar on the Big Screen

This weekend, AMC Theatres will be showing four fantastic films from Pixar.

Toy Story 3

All of these are amazing films, and I am excited that they are coming back to theaters. Pixar films play great on any screen (even on my dinky iPod), but the big screen is where they were meant to be seen.

The even better news is that tickets are only $6, and you get a preview of the upcoming Pixar film Brave. You can't beat that for a night of entertainment! Note that this also is NOT a marathon. You can buy individual tickets to any of the films. You could turn it into a marathon if you want (and I might), but you can also select your favorite and just see that one.

The bad news is that they are scheduled only for Memorial Day weekend, May 25-28. You're going to have to jump on this deal quick. It's going to be hard to see all of the movies with this short release window, unless you camp out at the movie theater all day.

Are you going to be like me and try to cram all of this Pixar goodness into a single weekend? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter!

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