Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Raid Trailer

The Raid is a Indonesian martial arts film coming out in the U.S. toward the end of March. The film is about a SWAT team that raids a drug lord's high rise. The drug lord doesn't appreciate having cops all up in his business, so he puts the place in lockdown, unleashes his goons, and forces the SWAT team to fight their way out of the building.

Of course, the real reason to watch this film is to see the display of silat, an Indonesian fighting style that is proudly on display. It is said that The Raid will do for silat what Ong Bak did for Thai boxing and District B:13 did for parkour.

Let's have a look at the trailer, shall we?

That looks painful. I mean that in the best way possible, of course. I gather from that trailer that the best way to summarize the fighting style of silat is 'punch, kick, stab, shoot, like a maniac'. Do Indonesians value human life less than the rest of the world, because that looks like that hurt. A lot. I can't wait to see more!

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