Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bourne Legacy Trailer

The fourth film in the Bourne series will be the first without Matt Damon in the role of Jason Bourne, and it brings in a new director for the franchise. These are some pretty big changes and there are many questions about how this film will play out. Will it be just a simple cash-in riding on the Bourne name, or will it try to push new ground and provide us with a fresh perspective for the series? The new trailer just hit a few days ago, so have a look.

Gets pretty interesting about the 1:10 mark, doesn't it?

It looks like they are fully acknowledging the previous films (there are several familiar faces in there), but this seems to be a new direction for the franchise. I like Jeremy Renner as the new guy, and it appears that they are going to let him do his own thing in this film. I don't think he will be a clone of the Matt Damon character. They were trained in the same program, so I'm betting Renner will have a cool bag of spy tricks to use, but I sense he will be a unique character with his own motivations.

I gotta say, I'm digging it.

What do you think? Let me hear in the comments below or on Twitter.

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