Monday, August 6, 2012

Necomimi Brainwave Cat Ears

I saw a crazy article about this on Yahoo/LiveScience and had to do some digging.

A company out of Japan (naturally) has created a set of wearable cat ears that react to the wearers brain activity. When you are excited, the ears stand up, when really excited, they give a little wiggle, and when you are relaxed, they lay flat.

Seriously. They are selling these.

As far as I an tell, they only come in white, which is too bad for people like me who own orange cats. I can only imagine how freaked out my cat would be if I put these on and played with her fuzzy snake. Not cool Dad, not cool. Then again, I'm guessing my office mate at school might freak out too if I was chilling at my desk wearing a set of these.

The ears will only set you back $99, which is almost worth it to freak out my cat and everyone else I know.

Here is the hilarious video from the Necomimi website. If you want to buy yourself (or me!) a pair of these babies, then visit the company website here.

If you do purchase a set of these, you better tell me about it in the comments below or on Twitter!

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