Sunday, August 5, 2012

Movies of the Month: August 2012

August looks to close out summer with several really nice looking films spread across multiple genres. There is no single film set to dominate the month as The Dark Knight did in July. Rather, there are action, comedy, animated, horror, and kids films on deck that should provide entertainment all month long. It’s a solid month of cinema ahead.

Here is a preview of the major film releases of August 2012 with a couple of limited release films to keep an eye on.

Week of August 3, 2012

Total Recall

The Plot: Douglas Quaid is a man bored with life who visits Recall, a company that specializes in creating artificial memories for its clients. Something goes wrong (or does it?) and poor Doug finds himself embroiled in a massive conspiracy without the ability to determine if the events are real or imagined.

Who’s in it? Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Bryan Cranston, Jessica Biel

Ultimate Fate: Some might call this a pointless remake of the film Arnold Schwarzenegger made famous back in 1990. Surprisingly, I’m okay with it. I was a little annoyed when it was first announced, but they’ve changed the setting from Mars to Earth, spruced up the effects and action, cast hot actors and actresses in the major roles, maintained crucial story elements, and added a few things here and there. It actually feels like an honest attempt at a remake, which I can buy into. Not sure that it will be very good, but I’m okay with the attempt.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days

The Plot: School is out for the summer, and Greg, Rowley, Rodrick and the other kids must find some way to keep themselves entertained.

Who’s in it? The stars from the previous two movies.

Ultimate Fate: Did you know that this is the third film in this franchise? They’ve been cranking out one a year since 2010, which is the pace they need to maintain with a successful kid-based franchise. The film stars and audience are growing up rapidly, so they need to churn ‘em out while they can. The first two films did respectable business at the box office pulling in $65 and $53 million respectively. I have no idea if these films are any good, but they seem to have an audience somewhere. Grab your nearest ten-year-old kid and ask them about the Diary of a Wimpy Kid franchise if you want to know more.

Where I’ll be this weekend: I loved the Arnold version of the film, and I’m curious about the new take on Total Recall. I don’t expect to love it, but maybe they do a few new and fun things with the premise to keep it entertaining.

Week of August 10, 2012

The Bourne Legacy

The Plot: Jason Bourne wasn’t the only super spy the United States trained. The fourth entry to the Bourne franchise sees a new spy take over the lead as an asset the government wants to eliminate.

Who’s in it? Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton

Ultimate Fate: When I first heard that Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass, the star and director, respectively, of the previous three Bourne films would not be returning for the fourth installment, I was a little skeptical that things would work. Those two guys have been major factors in the success of the franchise, and losing them could be a significant blow. As production on the new film progressed, however, it was good news after good news. Jeremy Renner, who we saw as Hawkeye in The Avengers is rather awesome, replaces Damon in the disavowed superspy role. New director Tony Gilroy was a writer on all three previous films, and many of the ancillary characters are back reprising their roles, which will add to the sense of continuity. That’s all good. Then came the trailers, which suggest this film is a high-octane, action-packed spy thriller with the same look and feel as the other entries in the franchise. Okay. I’m sold. It looks like they may have pulled a James Bond move here by swapping leads but keeping the roots of the franchise intact.

The Campaign

The plot: Two candidates for congress in North Carolina bumble their way through the election process. To clarify - it’s a comedy, not a documentary.

Who’s in it? Will Farrell, Zach Galifianakis

Ultimate Fate: Here we have two of Hollywood’s biggest funnymen in a topical election-year comedy that might actually be funny. This film is a completely silly and over-the-top comedy that is using politics as a backdrop for zany fun. The more I think about it, the more I think this might be the perfect timing for a comedy about an election. We all know that an election is coming up later this year, but early August is too early in the process for us to be fed up over attack ads and partisan posturing. We aren’t too burned out for the concept to be funny. Contrast this film with Oliver Stone’s W., which came out in mid-October 2008 and was a “spoof” of a biography of outgoing President George W. Bush. That film was clearly a shot at the Republican Party and was meant to carry a political message. The basic gist was - the Republican Party are a bunch of idiots for backing this moron; don’t follow their stupid ways again. Heavily political, and not that funny. The Campaign looks to avoid such heavy-handed political posturing and also looks fun.

Hope Springs

The Plot: A married couple seek counseling from a therapist in Maine to help revive the spark in their marriage.

Who’s in it? Tommy Lee Jones, Meryl Streep, Steve Carell

Ultimate Fate: All relationships go through rough patches from time to time, and sometimes help is needed to liven things up again. Or so I’m told. All of my relationships seem to blow up quickly and violently, and there’s usually nothing left to liven up. Anyway… this film tries to find the funny side of revitalizing a relationship. With the excellent Streep, Jones, and Carell in the leads, this could be a really fun and sweet film. Expect it to play for the older crowds, and expect it to play well.

Red Hook Summer

The Plot: A kid from suburban Atlanta spends an eye-opening summer with his deeply religious grandfather in the projects of Red Hook, Brooklyn, New York.

Who’s in it? I don’t know the actors, but the director is Spike Lee.

Ultimate Fate: It’s been a while since a Spike Lee Joint was in theaters. His last directorial feature was 2008’s Miracle at St. Anna, which was… not his best effort. Lee knows how to craft intimate, deeply personal films, though sometimes he can be a little heavy handed. This film is set in his backyard of Brooklyn, a familiar place that will allow him to focus on telling a unique story. I can’t wait to see how he portrays the struggles of a middle-class and not-particularly-religious youth who is thrust into a bible thumping church in the projects. Talk about having your worldview altered.

Where I’ll be this weekend: There are a couple of good options this week, but I’ll be geared up for The Bourne Legacy. I can’t wait to see the new direction of the franchise. I’ll keep an eye out for Red Hook Summer too, but I doubt it makes it to my corner of the world anytime soon.

Week of August 17, 2012

The Expendables 2

The Plot: Blowing up more stuff than the first film! If you want to get technical, it’s about a gang of mercenaries trying to stop the sale of nuclear weapons. But, really, this film is nothing but an excuse for the use of extreme pyrotechnics.

Who’s in it? Testosterone! Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Chuck Norris, Terry Crews, Liam Hemsworth, Randy Couture, Jean Claude Van Damme, Bruce Willis, and last but not least, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Ultimate Fate: Awesome! The first Expendables came out of nowhere in 2010 to provide an action-packed bro-fest of gunfights, fistfights, car chases, explosions, bulging biceps, and all manner of manly manliness. It brought together a crazy awesome collection of 80s action stars under one roof and put them to task in a film weak on story but strong on action. It was great. How do you follow up such an insane film? As the poster says, by going bigger and badder. They brought in more 80s stars and upped the action. Yeah. I’m excited for this one.


The plot: Norman can see dead people. In fact, some of his best friends are dead people. When an ancient curse threatens to destroy his town, Norman must face off against a terrifying collection of undead creatures.

Who’s in it? The voices of Kodi Smit-McPhee, Anna Kendrick, and others

Ultimate Fate: This is a stop-motion film with a unique and interesting visual style. It also tackles a subject matter that might be too scary for its intended audience. Some of the creature designs and set pieces from the trailers have looked pretty scary for younger members of the audience. I hope that the uniqueness of the film isn’t overwhelmed by the frights. Those who enjoyed The Nightmare Before Christmas or Corpse Bride should be interested.


The Plot: Three sisters form a Motown group in the 1960s and must learn to deal with the fallout of fame.

Who’s in it? Jordin Sparks, Whitney Houston, Carmen Ejogo

Ultimate Fate: The ladies of Motown certainly could belt out some tunes. This film is most noticeable because it was supposed to be part of Whitney Houston’s return to the spotlight. Instead, I think this will now be her last role in a film. It’s a musical, so there’s that.

Where I’ll be this weekend: As a lifelong Whitney Houston fan, I’m super duper exited for Sparkle. Yeah right. If you have to ask where I’ll be this weekend, then clearly you don’t know how manly I am. Expendables 2 for the ‘splosions.

Week of August 24, 2012

Premium Rush

The Plot: A bike messenger is chased through New York City by an assorted collection of bad guys over a package he was given to deliver.

Who’s in it? Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Shannon

Ultimate Fate: Think The Transporter on bicycles with less martial arts. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it will take a lot to duplicate the intensity of a great Statham actioner without crazy fights. Maybe fist- and gunfights are in Premium Rush, but as much as I love JGL, I don’t buy him kung-fuing bad guys all over the place. Still, writer/director David Koepp is pretty good, and the cast seems pretty good too. Maybe they can put us on the edge of our seats with a crazy romp through the city. The life of a bike messenger does seem intense.

The Apparition

The Plot: A group of ghost hunters accidentally awaken an actual ghost who then haunts/kills them. Oops.

Who’s in it? Ashley Greene, Sebastian Stan, Tom Felton, Julianna Guill

Ultimate Fate: Well, Halloween is right around the corner, so I guess it’s time for some scary flicks to hit theaters. I’m sure I’ll be rooting for the ghost in this one. If the humans were dumb enough to awaken a ghost and attract its attention, then they get whatever they get. It’s also a found footage film, so I’ll be annoyed by shaky-cam and wanting to see someone other than me suffer.

Where I’ll be this weekend: I will see anything involving JGL, so I’ll be at Premium Rush with fingers crossed that it’s actually exciting.

Week of August 31, 2012

The Possession

The Plot: A little girl opens a magic box that unleashes a malevolent spirit who possesses her.

Who’s in it? Natasha Calis, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kyra Sedgwick

Ultimate Fate: This is a horror film based heavily in Jewish lore. I don’t know if that’s significant, but there seems to be a lot of crazy cool stuff going on in the trailers that I don’t quite understand. It’s time the Catholics stood aside and let a different religion tell a horror story for once. The film itself looks derivative of many other horror films, but maybe it will be different enough to entertain.

Where I’ll be this weekend: Wait. Only one wide release this weekend? Another film, Lawless, which has a lot of big stars and would have been a big draw for the weekend got pushed back to the spring. Either watch a horror film or catch up on some of the other releases of the month.

Movie of the Month: If you only see one film this month, make it The Bourne Legacy. It will offer all the action and thrills you can handle. As much as I would like to trumpet The Expendables 2 this month, that one will only play to the guys. The Bourne Legacy will be the whole package.

Are you psyched for The Bourne Legacy or are you going all-out with The Expendables 2? Or does something else catch your eye this month? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter!

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