Friday, December 30, 2011

Dark Knight Rises Trailer

During my little Christmas vacation, a boatload of trailers for some of my most anticipated films of 2012 debuted. If you happened to see Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol in IMAX (And you should. It’s amazing), then you were treated to the first trailer for the The Dark Knight Rises. This is the final film in the Christopher Nolan-directed/Christian Bale-starring trilogy of batfilms.

Well, it certainly has the look of a Chris Nolan Batman film. Gotham City seems to be an even more dangerous place than it was in the second film. Gone is the insane, yet fairly small, clown posse of The Joker and in is a thug army led by the most menacing man around, Bane. We don't know much of the story yet, but we can surmise that the ending will not be pleasant for our hero. Does anyone think this won’t be good? 

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