Friday, December 9, 2011

Battleship Trailer

A few days ago, I posted a trailer for John Carter a Disney film that, for some reason, is giving a 70-year-old story that nobody remembers the blockbuster, big-budget treatment. Here's another slightly odd property that's receiving a major picture treatment: Battleship. You know, the game you played with your sibling where you called out coordinates to take out their little plastic ships. The one where you tried to peek over the top of the board just enough to see a little glimpse of their layout without making it obvious you were trying to cheat.

Hasbro, not content with all the money they've made off the Transformers franchise (there will be a fourth film, they're just trying to figure out how many zeroes to put on Michael Bay's director's check), has decided to bring the popular ship-sinking game to theaters too. And, it's going to be just as loud and boisterous as it's big brother.

See for yourself.

It looks like loud, dumb fun to me. Why not? It looks like an excuse to blow stuff up real nice with maybe a dose of melodrama thrown in for good measure. Who wants to bet the kid who takes over as captain of the ship is a bad boy who redeems himself by taking on the mean old aliens and saving humanity? Anyone?

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