Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Brave Trailer

It seems a little strange to me that Pixar has a new film coming out in the next few months, yet there has been relatively little buzz about it. I guess in a summer that includes The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, Prometheus (I want this movie right now!), and a bunch of other blockbusters it's easy to overlook a potentially great film from a great studio. Pixar is a solid performer every year, so you can be sure that their next film, Brave, will be pretty good.

The third trailer is out now.

I must say that each trailer or clip I see of it gets me more excited. It looks beautiful, it's set in Olde Scotland, and it has elements of mysticism and sorcery. Sweet. It's going to bring the goods on June 22, 2012. 

I'm infinitely more excited for Brave than I ever was for last year's Pixar offering, Cars 2.

Are you looking forward to Pixar's next outing? Let me know in the comments below and follow me on Twitter!

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