Saturday, November 10, 2012

World War Z Trailer

I’m a big fan of Max Brooks’ novel World War Z. It’s a fun, episodic, fractured-narrative story that tells multiple accounts from the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. Each chapter features a new character (sometimes the stories tie together) who tells his/her experiences during the war against the zombies. The narrative hops across the globe recounting stories from soldiers who fought in the war, survivors holed up in remote locations, even an astronaut who was stranded on the space station during the global conflict.

In other words, it’s nothing like the upcoming film, which appears to focus on a single story line of one lead character.

The film adaptation stars Brad Pitt and boasts a big budget, but it has faced a lot of troubles. It had massive reshoots, changed directors, went way over budget, and suffered virtually every misfortune a production can have. Well, I don’t think the sets washed away in a storm a la Waterworld, but it’s still had a rough go of things.

Here's the new trailer:

The trailer looks surprisingly good. It’s got some big shots that show off a large scope of action. Hopefully, the big overhaul behind the scenes will yield an entertaining film in June 2013.

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