Saturday, July 14, 2012


Surprise! Look who's coming! Warner Brothers and Legendary Pictures snuck in unexpected and apparently good looking footage from their reboot of Godzilla at their Comic Con press conference. I don't think anyone necessarily expected to hear about this project, but I for one am happy to know it's looking good. Godzilla is an amazing character in theory, but American attempts to portray him have missed the mark pretty badly. The most recent attempt from 1998 was terrible by anyone's measure.

Gareth Edwards directed Monsters, a 2010 film about four friends trying to get back into the U.S. after a satellite crash brings an alien life form to Earth. Here's the trailer for that film.

It's easy to see why they chose Edwards for the Godzilla reboot. If he can create that sense of atmosphere and tension with a budget of less than $1 million, imagine what he can do with a budget of $150 million.

Look for it in 2014.

Are you happy for a return of the giant green lizard? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter!

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