Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lincoln movie poster

Steven Spielberg. Daniel Day-Lewis. Abraham Lincoln.

Three names synonymous with greatness. A great film director, a great actor, and a great President of the United States of America.

Spielberg has been trying to get his Lincoln biopic off the ground for several years. He has incorporated aspects of Lincoln’s life into several of his films already, most notably in the “Letter to Mrs. Bixby”, which formed a dramatic component in Saving Private Ryan. We will finally be seeing Spielberg's vision of Lincoln navigating the final days of the Civil War, which were certainly some of the most important and stressful days in U.S. History. There are few things as exciting as seeing a master filmmaker take on one of his passion projects.

Even better is who he cast as Lincoln.

Daniel Day-Lewis, who of course has a couple of best actor Oscars on his mantle, takes on the titular role. He’s known as a deep method actor who really gets in to his characters and wants to live their lives. He didn’t go all-out during production of Lincoln (he’s been known to maintain a character’s accent even when off set), but Spielberg and the crew did refer to him as “Mr. President” during shooting. He’s very, very good, and having him as Lincoln must surely tickle Spielberg’s fancy.

Plus, he looks the part judging from the first poster from the film.

He certainly looks presidential. I like this poster a lot. It’s simple, elegant, artful, and calls to mind the greatness and the burdens of Lincoln the man. The film hits November 16.

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