Sunday, May 13, 2012

Concept Artistry

Concept artists are tasked in the movie industry with creating the “look” of films. They design the settings, architecture, frame shots, and generally paint the film before set construction or complex CGI work begins. These guys do amazing work with Photoshop and Maya.

IGN posted the links of a couple of artists, Nathan Schroeder and Steve Jung, who worked on The Avengers and several other films. Here is a look at a few pieces of their art. I would love to have few of these hanging on my walls.

Nathan Schroeder - Fantastic Four
Nathan Schroeder - X-Men 2
Nathan Schroeder - TRON
Nathan Schroeder - Captain America
Nathan Scroeder - The Avengers
Steve Jung - The Avengers
Steve Jung - Thor
Pretty awesome stuff, right? These guys have a pretty awesome job, I must say. It's just one of the many jobs that take place behind the scenes in modern filmmaking, especially the blockbusters like the ones shown here. There's a lot riding on the success of these films, so the production usually has teams of artists like these guys churning out ideas. It's all done with the goal of getting the look and feel right so that we the audience are thoroughly entertained. 

Good job guys! Let me know where I can buy a print!

Let me know what you guys think about this artwork in the comments below or on Twitter

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