Monday, March 26, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman trailer

There are two films coming out in 2012 based on Snow White. First up is the terrible looking Mirror Mirror, which comes out this weekend. It's notable mainly because Julia Roberts screeches and cackles like a crazy woman the whole time. I couldn't even make it through the trailer, so I have little hope that the full movie will hold my attention.

The second movie sounded equally horrific when it was announced but has since grown into, dare I say it, one I'm looking forward to. Snow White and the Huntsman tells the tale of a mercenary (Chris Hemsworth) coerced by the Evil Queen (Charlize Theron) to track down Snow White (Kristen Stewart) in the Dark Forest. The Evil Queen needs her alive so that she can eat her heart (with fava beans?) and rule to the land forever.

The second trailer for the film, which opens later this year, has been released.

Okay. It looks like they have set the story of Snow White in Middle Earth. I half expect Gandalf the Grey to ride in and save the day. I admit, I like it. The story appears to be much more epic than I was thinking. Charlize Theron is intimidating as the Evil Queen, there are big action pieces, interesting creature designs, quality production values. I'm game.

What about you? Anything in that trailer get you going? Let me know in the comments, and follow me on Twitter!

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