Sunday, October 2, 2011

99¢ Review: Dream House

The Movie: Dream House

The Good: Naomi Watts is as cute as ever.

The Bad: Pretty much everything else about this movie.

Dream House is a thriller without the thrills, a suspense film without the suspense. It is tone deaf and bland and goes out of its way to defy logic, reason, or common sense. It wants to be so many things, a horror film, a family film, a discourse on the mentally ill, that it fails to do anything except annoy the audience with its dumbness.

It really is a shame that the people involved have made such a waste of a movie. I adore Naomi Watts and think Daniel Craig is a fine actor (I’m can’t understand why he only has success with the Bond films). Here, they both do fine jobs portraying their characters, but the story fails so completely that their work means little.

To summarize the stupid plot, Will (Craig) retires from his job as an editor to write his novel in the new family home with his wife (Rachel Weisz) and their two kids. We soon learn that the previous family was murdered and that the father is the prime suspect. Will’s daughters notice a weird guy hanging around the house (the only source of scares in the movie, btw) and decides to solve the mystery of the murders. The neighbor, played by an adorable-looking Watts, tries to help Will through the process. Anyone who has seen the trailer has seen the movie. Every twist and turn is summarized in a 90 second tv spot. That’s okay really. Save yourself the trouble and watch the trailer.

1.5 stars out of 5

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