Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cormac McCarthy just made my day

In what I consider to be the best news I’ve heard all week, Deadline is reporting that Cormac McCarthy has sold a spec script to the production company responsible for bringing us The Road. McCarthy is one of my favorite writers; I have all of his novels on my bookshelf, and more than a few are dog-eared from multiple read-throughs.

The plot synopsis sounds like great fodder for McCarthy. “The protagonist in The Counselor is a respected lawyer who thinks he can dip a toe in the drug business without getting sucked down. It is a bad decision and he tries his best to survive it and get out of a desperate situation.” Who wants to bet that the lawyer suffers nine different kinds of hell once he heads down that dark road?

This is the first time that McCarthy has written a screenplay. His previous novels that were adapted for the screen, All the Pretty Horses, No Country for Old Men, The Road, were adapted by other writers. He actually surprised his agents, who though he was working on another novel, by handing them this instead. They quickly found a buyer for the screenplay, and the production group currently are looking for a director.

A sold spec script is a long way from a finished film, but given the quality of McCarthy’s work, hopefully it won’t be long before a studio and director pick up this project. I’ll be waiting anxiously to see how this develops in the coming months. 

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