Sunday, September 18, 2011

99¢ Review: Warrior

I watch a lot of movies (Check out my list of movies seen in 2011), but I don’t always have the time to write up a full review. Instead, I thought I would start up a new column where I give you the discount version of the review. What’s good, what’s bad, if it’s worth your time. Here’s my 99¢ review of Warrior.

The movie: Warrior

The Good: Quality acting from Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton and Nick Nolte. Hits all the right notes for this type of film. Visceral action in the ring.

The Bad: There’s not much new here. Jennifer Morrison looks cute but doesn’t do anything.

I liked Warrior better when I saw it last year under it’s alternate title: The Fighter. It’s really just the same film with a different skin. You’ve got conflict between brothers, dysfunctional family life, compelling reasons to engage in brutal fisticuffs, and brutal action in the ring (or octagon). But, we saw all of this last year in the superior The Fighter.

That’s not to say that Warrior is a bad film. Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton certainly look the part, both of them having bulked up for their roles (I’m sure the ladies will swoon). Nick Nolte plays the gruff fatherly role really well. Both of the leads have compelling reasons to risk life and limb in the ring. One needs the money to save his house and family (though his wife ignores the financial crisis completely) and the other is honoring a promise to a fellow marine. The action in the ring is well directed, easy to follow, and looks like it really, really hurts.

If you enjoyed The Fighter and are looking for more of the same, then by all means, see Warrior. If you are a MMA fan, then this might appeal to you, though there really isn’t a lot of behind the scenes MMA stuff on display. Warrior is a drama that does its job really well, but on the heels of last year’s excellent boxing movie, it kindof feels pointless.

3 out of 5 stars.

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