Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Welcome Everyone!

Welcome everyone to this little blog I’m starting up!

I thought for my first blog post that I would outline what this blog would be about and give a little background of myself. What will this blog be about? Why did I decide to start this up?

The main focus of this blog will be to provide movie and DVD reviews, movie development news and commentary on the goings on in the movie industry. I have been following this industry for about 15 years now and am looking for an outlet to provide my own feedback on the happenings. Movies are a major hobby of mine, and I like to think of myself as more than just a casual fan. I watch a ton of movies, at least a couple per week. I have a sizeable DVD collection, 700 titles last I checked and growing all the time. My interests run the gamut from 80s action films, classic Hollywood of the 40s and 50s, modern blockbusters, horror films, Korean cinema, Criterion Collection films, and on and on. Basically, if the movie is good, I will watch it and probably want to discuss it here. This blog is a way of expanding my hobby to reach out to other cinema fans.

Check out my List of Movies Seen in 2011 page to see what I've been up to this year!

I also enjoy creative writing, and I likely will share some of my pieces on this blog as well. By day, I am a Ph.D. student studying marine science and spend most of my office hours writing in a very restricted scientific style. At one time, as in my high school and undergrad days, I spent a lot of time with creative writing, though I don’t know if I was ever that good at it. This blog is an opportunity for me to give that creative nook in the dark corner of my brain a little workout from time to time.

And of course, you’ll also see random thoughts on many of my other hobbies periodically popping up on this blog.

In the end, I hope you like what you see and come back to visit often. I will try to put out a steady stream of stuff on the blog, and I hope that you will find at least some of it fun and entertaining.

Thanks for stopping by! Come back soon!